What we do

With 20 years of experience, the Foundation provides comprehensive care for child sexual abuse from three areas: the Therapeutic and Legal Care Service, the Training and Prevention Service and the Communication and Promotion Service.

The Therapeutic and Legal Care Service

They attend at a social, psychological and legal level to all people directly or indirectly affected by a situation of child sexual abuse. This service is made up of an interdisciplinary team of professionals with a long history in the treatment of the problem of Child Sexual Abuse (ASI). Since its creation, the Foundation set as one of its priorities the treatment of victims of child sexual abuse and their families; and offers its services to the communities of Catalonia and Aragon, through the delegations in Barcelona and Zaragoza.

The Training and Prevention Service

Specialized training aimed at professionals who work with children and adolescents or with people with disabilities with a special impact on those groups that have a high responsibility in the protection of children. Prevention is carried out at all levels, with special attention to those groups that are vulnerable and at risk of social exclusion, carrying out training and preventive actions, aimed both at minors, educators and family members or guardians.

The Foundation works in a network with educational centers, both formal and non-formal, with the aim of collaborating in the drafting of internal protocols for the detection and prevention of situations of child sexual abuse (ASI). This networking also extends to cases of abuse through the internet, collaborating with entities at national level that have high experience in the appropriate use of social networks.

We believe it is important to share our experience working on this topic and, therefore, the Foundation generates articles relating to the intervention, prevention and detection of ASI.

The Communication and Promotion Service

Within the communication tasks, our objectives are to affirm the Foundation as a source of information for the media, to sensitize the population on the importance of preventing and responding appropriately to the suspicion of an abusive situation and to establish a bridge with society through the media, web and social networks. The Foundation is committed to access to new communication and participation tools via the Internet, as well as to the design of awareness campaigns that incorporate cultural, educational and/or social events that facilitate communication and expand our social base

Collaboration with local, regional and state media has allowed society to start talking about sexual abuse openly, to stop it being a taboo and to recognize it as serious child abuse that happens, most of the time , in the bosom of families.

  • Network
The Foundation has worked, since its beginnings, so that the different public administrations take responsibility for carrying out social policies in support of victims of child sexual abuse and commit themselves to the prevention of this abuse that affects 20% of the population The difficulties of the beginning have been overcome so that we can now say that, with greater concern and awareness, they have been transformed into concrete actions.

As a result of this change of vision, the Foundation has been working intensively through a contract with the General Directorate of Child Care and Adolescence since 2010. This specialized care program for minors under the care of the DGAIA, victims of sexual abuse in childhood, joins what we carry out in collaboration with La Caixa Social Work, PROINFàNCIA Program, which attends to minors and families who are victims of ASI and at risk of social exclusion from 2009.

The Foundation always works with the collaboration and synergies of the entities and institutions of the different fields of action, in order to promote protection, optimize the work of detecting victims and avoid duplicity and secondary victimization. In this sense, the Foundation is a member of the Board of Directors of FEDAIA (Federation of Child and Adolescent Care and Education Entities) and collaborates with DINCAT (Intellectual Disability Catalonia, Member of FEAPS, Spanish Confederation of Organizaciones en favor de las Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual), since the beginning of the PAD Program (Persons with Disability) of the Foundation, establishing a collaboration agreement for care and training for this group. On the other hand, the Foundation has the support of the ASHOKA International Network of Social Entrepreneurship since Vicki Bernadet was selected and named an Ashoka social entrepreneur in 2006.

In addition, the Foundation takes part in the elaboration of protocols and legislative proposals that it deems appropriate, such as participation in the Health Committee of the last Pact for Children and the presentation of PNL (Non-Legislative Proposals) to the Congress of Deputies.

On the other hand, we also receive support from the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona, ​​and the Barcelona City Council, as well as from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, to carry out the main projects of the Foundation , both attention and training and awareness.